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The Impressionist (front, Climber) and Eden (back, Climber) by Anastasia Morrison
Polka (Climber) by Karen Flores, apricot blend
Joseph's Coat (Climber) with Anne Quincy
Jeanne Kenneally (Miniature) by Pam McGraw
Unidentified by Jenny Tsao
About Face (Grandiflora) by Jerry Georgette, orange blend
Brandy (Hybrid Tea) by Patti Spezzaferro, apricot blend, robust fragrance
Cressida (Shrub, David Austin)by Patti Motta, apricot blend
Wollerton Old Hall (Climber) by Peter Sherman, apricot blend
Polka (Cilmber) by Patti Motta, apricot blend
Lady of Shalott (Shrub) by Patti Spezzaferro, orange blend, light tea fragrance
Sweet Revenge (Miniature) by Carol and Weldon Wong, orange blend
Evelyn (Shrub, David Austin) by Patti Motta, apricot blend
Westerland (Shrub) by Jerry Georgette, apricot blend
Remember Me (Hybrid Tea) by Stu Dalton, orange blend
Unidentified by Patti Motta
Bathsheba (Large-Flowered Climber, David Austin) by Stu Dalton, apricot color, fragrant
Jean Kenneally (Miniature) by Stu Dalton, apricot blend
unknown by Noni Naughton "The orange mystery rose was given to me as a gift from a student in a little 2” pot. Probably 20 years old. I would love to know the name of it."
Unidentified by Patti Spezzaferro
All a"Twitter (Miniature) by Anne Quincy, orange blend