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Rosa Rubrifolia (Species) by Jerry Georgette, medium pink
Escapade (Floribunda) by Carol and Weldon Wong
Sweet Revenge (Miniature) by Pam McGraw
America (bottom, Climber) & Sombreul (top, Climber) by Anastasia Morrison
Jasmina (Large-Flowered Climber) by Stu Dalton, fragrant
unidentified by Jenny Tsao
Miss Mapel (Miniature) by Pam McGraw
Princess Alexandra of Kent (Shrub, David Austin) by Pam Schenk
Soroptimist international (Miniature) by Carol and Weldon Wong, pink blend
Tagalong (Miniature) by Carol and Weldon Wong
Raspberry Ice, AKA Tabris or Hannah Gordon (Floribunda) by Patti Motta, pink blend
Neon Lights (Floribunda) by Anne Quincy
Archduke Charles (China) by Anastasia Morrison
Huntington’s 100th AKA Life of The Party, (Floribunda) by Stu Dalton, very fragrant
Caledonia (MiniFlora) by Marlene Bollhoffer
Cupcake (Miniature) by Stu Dalton
Queen of Sheba (Shrub, David Austin) by Pam McGraw
Lasting Love (Hybrid Tea) by Noni Naughton
Scepter'd Isle (Shrub, English) by Anastasia Morrison
Hanna Gordon (Floribunda) by Stu Dalton, spray
Sexy Rexy (Floribunda)by Patti Spezzaferro, slight fragrance
Secret (Hybrid Tea) by Carol and Weldon Wong
Pristine (Hybrid Tea) by Pam McGraw
Prestine (Hybrid Tea) by Patti Spezzaferro, sweet fragrance
Bouquet Parfait (Hybrid Musk) by Patti Motta
Memorial Day (Hybrid Tea) by Carol Coop
Bouquet Parfait (Hybrid Musk) by Anastasia Morrison
Queen of Sweden (Shrub, David Austin) by Pam McGraw
Sexy Rexy (Floribunda) by Pam McGraw
City of London (Floribunda) by Carol and Weldon Wong
Secret (Hybrid Tea) by Patti Motta
Joy (Miniature) by Pam McGraw
Neil Diamond (Hybrid Tea) by Noni Naughton
Coachella Valley (Miniature) by Anne Quincy
California Dreamin (Hybrid Tea) by Pam McGraw, the bloom is 9-10” in diameter! pink blend
Princess Alexandra of Kent (Shrub, David Austin) by Pam Schenk
Lyda’s Rose (Shrub) by Pam McGraw, Bees included! They love this rose!
Wisley (Shrub) by Patti Spezzaferro
Gemini (Hybrid Tea) by Stu Dalton, pink blend
Chicago Peace (Hybrid Tea) by Stu Dalton, pink blend
Aromatherapy (Hybrid Tea) by Jerry Georgette
Rose De Rescht (Portland) by Stu Dalton, deep pink, very fragrant, 1880
Gertrude Jekyll (Shrub) by Stu Dalton, very fragrant, medium pink
Princess Alexandra of Kent (Shrub, David Austin) by Pam Schenk
Distant Drums (Shrub) by Pam Schenk
Grus an Aachen (Floribunda) by Jerry Georgette, light pink
Gertrude Jekyll (Shrub) by Jerry Georgette
Secret (Hybrid Tea) by Maxine Hineman