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Sombreul (Climber) by Anastasia Morrison
Sally Holmes (Shrub) by Stu Dalton, either smiling or sticking out her tongue
Moonstone (Hybrid Tea) by Marlene Bollhoffer
Sugar Moon (Hybrid Tea) by Audrey & Bob Giarrusso
White Meidland (Groundcover) by Patti Spezzaferro, no fragrance
Fairhope (Miniature) by Anne Quincy
Sally Holmes (Shrub) by Anne Quincy
White Old Garden climbing rose rooted from Filoli with Marian Vanden Bosch
Sally Holmes (Shrub) by Stu Dalton, three years old on own roots, 12’w x 7’h
John F. Kennedy (Hybrid Tea) by Carol Coop
Crocus Rose (Shrub, David Austin) by Pam McGraw
Iceberg (Climber) by Noni Naughton
French Lace (Floribunda) by Maxine Hineman
Cinderella (Miniature) by Pam Schenk
Gruss an Aachen (Floribunda) by Anne Quincy