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School Spirit (Floribunda, Burling Leong Rose) by Stu Dalton, yellow blend
Fairhope (Miniature) by Anne Quincy, light yellow
Butterscotch (Large-Flowered Climber) by Tomoko Lee, russet
Buff Beauty (Hybrid Musk) by Jerry Georgette
Radiant Perfume (Grandiflora) by Carol Coop
Scent from Above (Large-Flowered Climber) on the left, Butterscotch (Large-Flowered Climber) on the right with Tomoko Lee
Sunsprite (Floribunda) by Maxine Hineman
Gold of Ophir (Old Garden) by Karen Flores, yellow blend
Unidentified by Patti Spezzaferro
Imogen (Shrub, David Austin) by Stu Dalton, pale yellow
Julia Child (Shrub) by Patti Spezzaferro, mild fragrance
Helmut Schmidt (Hybrid Tea) by Carol Coop
Flutterbye (Shrub) by Jerry Georgette, yellow blend
Gold Medal (Grandiflora) by Tomoko Lee, medium yellow
Sunsprite (Floribunda) by Pam McGraw
The Impressionist (Climber) by Anastasia Morrison, yellow blend
Bees Knees, (Miniature) by Pam McGraw, yellow blend
Honey Dijon (Grandiflora) by Marlene Bollhoffer, russet
Buff Beauty (Hybrid Musk) by Jim Crowther