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from left: Paradise (Hybrid Tea), Chicago Peace (Hybrid Tea), Secret (Hybrid Tea), Sunset Celebration (Hybrid Tea), Barbara Streisand (Hybrid Tea), Diana - Princess of Wales (Hybrid Tea) by Tomoko Lee
Eden (Climber) by Anastasia Morrison
Polka (Cilmber) by Patti Motta
Plyaboy (Floribunda) by Karen Flores
Fire ‘n’ Ice (Floribunda) and Cherry Parfait (Grandiflora) by Tomoko Lee
Irresistible (Miniature) and Behold (Miniature) by Patti Motta
Barbra Streisand (Hybrid Tea) by Carol and Weldon Wong
Butterscotch (Large-Flowered Climber) by Tomoko Lee
Sexy Rexy (Floribunda) and Popcorn (Miniature) by Pam Schenk
Clockwise from top, Eugene de Beauharnais (China), Mme Isaac Perrier (Bourbon), Ferdinand Prichard (Hybrid Perpetual), Reine des Violettes (Hybrid Perpetual), Rose de Recht (Portland), Comtesse Cecile de Chabrillant (Hybrid Perpetual), Louise Odier (Bourbon) by Carol and Weldon Wong
Cecile Bruner (Miniature) by Karen Flores
Joy (Miniature) by Pam Schenk
Tess of the d'Urbervilles (Shrub) by Anne Quincy
A Table of Bouquets by Audrey & Bob Giarrusso
Scent from Above (Large-Flowered Climber) with Jasmine by Tomoko Lee. It's literally scent from above at the dining table.
Lady Emma Hamilton (Shrub, English) by Anastasia Morrison
Desert Sunset (Climbing Hybrid Tea)
two Hot Tamale (Miniature), Frederic Mistral (Hybrid Tea), two Ty (Miniature) by Pam McGraw