April 2020 – President’s Message

By Patti Spezaferro

This Too Shall Pass by Jolene Rayment

when joy makes you giddy, when brightest blinds your gaze
when pride holds you up above, when easiness lets you laze
Stop take a breath and remember
this too shall pass

treasure every moment, learn from every pain
gather in your memories, they are what you truly gain
live every second, love with all your heart
never give in or give up, embrace every new start

everything is precious, all of life is glorious
Because this too shall pass

As soon as
Governor Gavin Newsom issued a stay at home order March 19th to protect the health and well-being of all Californians and to slow the spread of COVID-19, I put on my gardening gloves and headed outside. Psychology Today states that there is no better medicine for the mind than gardening. It gives us a sense of purpose and a sense of control, allows us to be nurturers, releases happy hormones, keeps us connected to other living things, and finally it allows us to live in the present moment. More than ever when our world seems upside down, gardening can provide the peace of mind we all need right now.

So, let’s go outside and follow Nanette Londeree, ARS Consulting Rosarian, April gardening tips.
● Increase watering as weather warms.
Water early in the day in order to let leaves dry to reduce fungal diseases.
Begin fertilizing with a complete fertilizer after the first round of blooms and continue monthly feedings until October. Contact Jim Crowther for Harrell Nursery Polyon Fertilizer.
Finger prune and remove blind shoots, a stem with no flower at the end. Tune into a YouTube Video for a fun clip on Finger Pruning to learn more about it.
Watch for aphids, spittlebugs and remove them with a blast of water.

Since our monthly membership meetings are on hold until further notice and our May Rose Show and NCNH District Rose Meeting are cancelled, this month’s Rosarian is filled with wonderful articles to help you feel a part of our lovely rose group. We have added a new monthly column called Who’s in the Garden. Inspired by Vanity Fair’s Proust Questionnaire, the French essayist and novelist, who believed that, in answering questions, an individual reveals his or her true nature. I developed a similar format where I ask our gardeners what inspired them to become gardeners. Our first column is featuring Carol Wong, Past President of The Peninsula Rose Society, Consulting Rosarian and Bronze Medal Award winner in 2019. Also check out Stuart Dalton’s article on how to start your own Victory Garden.

Please call Stuart for your free 5-gallon mini roses. If you are in need of Meyer lemons, contact Patti. And if you just want to reach out and chat, The Peninsula Rose Society is here for you. We started a Listening Line just for you. For uplifting conversations contact Stuart Dalton or Patti Spezzaferro.

This is indeed a trying time and, if you are able, please consider paying your gardeners whether they are able to service your garden or not. If this is not an option, consider leaving them food on your doorstep. Let’s allow our humanity to surface and help someone in need. If you have any suggestions on how The Peninsula Rose Society can make people’s lives a little easier, please contact me. That’s it for now. Stay well and know that this too shall pass.