October 2023 – President’s Message

October! This is my favorite month of the year. The roses have been working hard all season and we’ll begin preparing them for their winter rest. October is also a very festive time of year for various fall-season celebrations throughout the world.  One of the most famous is the annual Oktoberfest festival which is now celebrated worldwide. The annual festival began in Munich, Germany, and is held over a two-week period ending the first Sunday in October.  This festival originated on October 12, 1810, in celebration of the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria, who later became King Luis I, to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildurghausen. As the festival got longer, the starting dates were moved into September because the days were longer and the weather was warmer.  Festival visitors could stay out later to enjoy the gardens and the famous fields that made up the festival grounds. Wow, what a wedding celebration that must have been.

My birthday is in October so I find a reason to celebrate all month long.  I would also like to wish all our members that were born in the festive month of October a Happy Birthday!

Our next membership meeting will be on Tuesday, October 17th.  Our VP Karen Flores and Barbara Gordon will be leading us in a hands-on workshop of mini floral arrangements. We must have an accurate count of members attending so we can provide everyone with the supplies and flowers needed.  I will send everyone an email reminding you to reply to me if you plan to attend.

Lastly I would like to recognize the 7 members that volunteered at our first Red Morton Rose Garden maintenance program, which we have begun with the Redwood City Parks Department.  This will be ongoing so there will be many opportunities to volunteer. 

Thank you to Scott Morton, Carol Wong, Deb Symons, Jim Crowther, Stu Dalton, Sue Robinson and Doug Brees. 

I look forward to seeing you in the rose garden, the farmers market and at our next membership meeting.

Judy Webster