This is a virtual event. Participating Peninsula Rose Society members submitted their photos by June 6th. Anyone (member or not) who wished to vote did so by July 14th.
Click a category to browse roses
People’s Choice Award Winners
Category 1: Single blooms or sprays
First place
Queen of Sweden (Shrub) by Pam McGraw
Second place (seven entries tied)
The Impressionist (Climber) by Anastasia Morrison

Strike It Rich (Grandiflora) by Jackie Copple
Lady of Shallot (David Austin, Shrub) by Stu Dalton
Golden Celebration (Shrub) by Marian Vanden Bosch
Paul Ecke, Jr (Shrub) by Carol Coop
Gemini (Hybrid Tea) by Stu Dalton
Betty Boop (Floribunda) by Jerry Yesavage
Category 2: Gardens
First place
(left to right): Lady of Shalott, Princess Anne, L.D. Braithwaite, Graham Thomas, Mary Rose.On the fence: Chevy Chase. Purple flowers underneath the roses: Cineraria stellata.
by John Erskine
Second place
Mardi Gras (Floribunda) by Marian Vanden Bosch
Dressed to match the roses!
Category 3: Arrangements
First place
Mister Lincoln (Hybrid Tea) by Karen Flores
Happy Memorial Day – Honoring those who served
Second place
Double Delight (Hybrid Tea), Rock & Roll (Grandiflora), Fire ‘n’ Ice (Floribunda) with Philadelphus, Eucalyptus bark and Japanese Maple
by Tomoko Lee
Category 4: Creative
First place (two entries tied)
Close-up of French Lace (Floribunda) by Karen Flores
Lyda Rose (Shrub) with bees by Pam McGraw
Bees LOVE this rose!
Second place (two entries tied)
Moon and Pink by Jackie Copple