Single Blooms or Sprays | Gardens | Arrangements | Creative | Back to the main page
Single bloom or spray ( 2 or more blooms) same stem in the garden or vase
1. Alba Meidiland (ground cover, Shrub) by Patti Spezzaferro
2. Élina (Hybrid Tea) by Pam McGraw
3. New Day (Hybrid Tea) by Audrey & Bob Giarusso
4. Crocus Rose (Shrub) by Pam McGraw
5. Gold Medal (Grandiflora) by Jerry Georgette
6. Strike It Rich (Grandiflora) by Carol Wong
7. Strike it Rich (Grandiflora) by Jackie Copple
8. The Impressionist (Climber) by Anastasia Morrison
9. Teasing Georgia (David Austin, Shrub) by Stu Dalton
10. Doris Day (Floribunda) by Jill Chadwell
12. Bella'roma (Hybrid Tea) by Riley Chadwell
11. Westerland (Shrub) by Jerry Georgette
13. Strike It Rich (Grandiflora) by Jackie Copple
15. Lady of Shallot (David Austin, Shrub) by Stu Dalton
14. Golden Celebration (Shrub) by Marian Vanden Bosch
16. South Africa (Grandiflora) by Carol Wong
17. Gold Medal (Grandiflora) by Jenny Tsao
18. Tropical Sunset (Hybrid Tea) by Audrey & Bob Giarusso
19. Unidentified by Jerry Yesavage
20. Playboy (Floribunda) by Jackie Copple
21. Ambridge Rose (Shrub) by Anastasia Morrison
22. Pearly Gates (Climber) by Audrey & Bob Giarusso
24. George Burns (Floribunda) by Anastasia Morrison
23. Tuscan Sunset (Floribunda) by Karen Zack
25. Cherry Parfait (Grandiflora) by Riley Chadwell
26. Rock & Roll (Grandiflora) by Jill Chadwell
27. Rock & Roll (Grandiflora) by Riley Chadwell
28. Paul Ecke, Jr (Shrub) by Carol Coop
29. Ingrid Bergman (Hybrid Tea) by Carol Coop
30. Secret (Hybrid Tea) by Carol Wong
31. Gemini (Hybrid Tea) by Stu Dalton
32. Love (Grandiflora) by Anastasia Morrison
33. Gemini (Hybrid Tea) by Jill Chadwell
35. Betty Boop (Floribunda) by Jerry Georgette
36. Ingrid Bergman (Hybrid Tea) by Jerry Yesavage
34. Unidentified (Miniature) by Margot Rudell
38. Altissimo (Climber) by Carol Coop
39. Olympiad (Hybrid Tea) by Riley Chadwell
37. Double Delight (Hybrid Tea) by Marian Vanden Bosch
41. Gingersnap (Floribunda) by Jenny Tsao
42. Polynesian Punch (Floribunda) by Jenny Tsao
40. Ace of Hearts (Hybrid Tea) by Jill Chadwell
44. Love (Hybrid Tea) by Audrey & Bob Giarusso
45. Lady Mary Fitzwilliam (Hybrid Tea) by Riley Chadwell
46. Darcey Bussell (David Austin, Shrub) by Pam Schenk
47. Eric Tabarly (Climber) by Anastasia Morrison
48. Betty Boop (Floribunda) by Jerry Yesavage
49. Wild Blue Yonder (Grandiflora) by Deborah Rose
50. Celestial Night (Floribunda) by Jill Chadwell
51. Rose de Rescht (Portland) by Stu Dalton
52. Henri Pichard (Hybrid Perpetual) by Deborah Rose
53. Yolande d'Aragon (Portland) by Anastasia Morrison
54. Lynn Anderson (Hybrid Tea) by Carol Wong
55. Mme Isaac Pereire (Bourbon) by Deborah Rose
57. Twilight Zone (Grandiflora), Gemini (Hybrid Tea) with Lithodora by Carol Coop
56. Chestnut Rose (Species) by Karen Zack
58. Priscilla Burton (Floribunda) by Carol Coop
59. Prospero (David Austin, Shrub) by Tomoko Lee
60. Brilliant Pink Iceburg (Floribunda) by Riley Chadwell
61. Celestial Night (Floribunda) by Jill Chadwell
62. Touch of Class (Hybrid Tea) by Stu Dalton
63. Hanna Gordon (Floribunda) by Pam McGraw
64. Grandmother’s Hat (Shrub) by Karen Zack
65. Rosa Rubrifolia (Species) by Jerry Georgette
66. Scepter'd Isle (Shrub) by Patti Spezzaferro
67. Secret or Pristine (Hybrid Tea) by Marian Vanden Bosch
68. Sexy Rexy (Floribunda) by Pam Schenk
69. Escapade (Floribunda) by Jackie Copple
70. Joy (Miniature) by Carol Wong
71. Queen of Sweden (Shrub) by Pam McGraw
72. Unidentified by Margot Rudell
73. Belinda’s Dream (Shrub) by Carol Wong
74. Queen of Sweden (Shrub) by Jill Chadwell
76. Unidentified by Margot Rudell
75. Clothilde Supert (Shrub) by Karen Zack
77. Distant Drums (Shrub) by Pam Schenk
78. Princess Alexandra of Kent (Shrub) by Pam Schenk
79. Sparrieshoop (Shrub) by Karen Zack
80. Unidentified by Margot Rudell