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Garden photos: a photo of any rose garden (public or private). Photographs should show the use of roses within the structure of a garden, which can be widely variable. Roses should dominate in the photograph, and some layout of the garden should be visible.
81. Sally Holmes (Shrub) by Deborah Rose
82. (left to right): Lady of Shalott, Princess Anne, L.D. Braithwaite, Graham Thomas, Mary Rose. On the fence: Chevy Chase. Purple flowers underneath the roses: Cineraria stellata. by John Erskine
83. Rose is Mardi Gras (Floribunda) by Marian Vanden Bosch. Dressed to match the roses!
84. Vineyard Song (Miniature) by Lydia Truce
85. Love, Baronne Edmund de Rothchild, South Africa by Lydia Truce
86. Iceburg (Floribunda) by Patti Spezzaferro
87. Government House Rose Garden, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada by Jerry Georgette
88. Fortunes Double Yellow (Old Garden) by Karen Flores
89. Playboy (Floribunda), yellow rose (unidentified) by Jackie Copple
90. Nice and Easy (Floribunda) by Marian Vanden Bosch
91. formerly Pierre de Ronsard now Eden (Climber) by Lydia Truce
92. Gertrude Jekyll (David Austin, Shrub) by Deborah Rose